April Fools Day Messages for Girlfriend

April Fool Jokes for Girlfriend
April Fool Jokes for Girlfriend

April Fools Day Messages for Girlfriend

April Fools Day Messages for Girlfriend : April Fools’ Day is celebrated across the globe on April 1st. This is the day when you officially have the liberty to play pranks and jokes on your near and dear ones. April Fools’ pranks for friends and family are the highlight to make this regular day a playful one. Sending prank messages on Whatsapp and Facebook to your girlfriend and playing best April Fools’ pranks ever on her is a wonderful way to create a happy memory with your beloved.(हैप्पी अप्रैल फूल डे)

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Funny April Fools Day Prank Messages for Girlfriend

April Fools Day Messages for Girlfriend
April Fools Day Messages for Girlfriend
  • Everyone has a day of recognition; you also have, it’s on April 1st
  • Be sure of the person who will compliment you on this day, Its April fool
  • You are so cute; wait cute means creating unnecessary troubles every minute
  • I want to take you out for a candle night dinner and say those three words” Please pay bill”.
  • I have a surprise for you, just step out and see. There are many to wish you” April fool”
  • If at any point in time you feel sad in your life and you feel like a loser…. I will come and hold your hand and will take you for a nice walk on the bridge…. To show you the path to end all your problems….. To show you that you can jump from here!!! Happy Fools’ Day my love.

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  • Never let any problem surround you…. Whenever you are sad then go and stand in front of the mirror and say, “Oh, I am so pretty” and you will be able to kill your sadness…. But my love, don’t make this your regular practice as liars have to pay the price for their lies.
  • Her, I just wanted to tell you that everything between us is over as I have got engaged with the girl my parents chose for me and 1st of April is my marriage…. And I would love to see you there as my friend….. Lol…. Just relaxed as I just played a prank on you…. Happy Fools’ Day in advance.

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  • If there is something that is bothering you and you are tensed about….. If you feel that nothing is going right and you are unable to find solutions to your problems…. Just think of me and your tensions will seem smaller as I am the biggest trouble of your life!!!
  • Know what, April 1st is the best day to propose a girl…. If she accepts your proposal then you are a lucky man and in case she rejects you then you can always tell her “April Fool”…. So can I propose you my love….
  • If anyone compliments you for your beauty, brains, style, attraction then don’t listen to these people as how dare they try and fool you before Fools’ Day….!!!

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  • Are you sad by any chance and you think that nothing can make you smile in this situation….Just go and stand in front of the mirror and you will need no more reasons to laugh as the biggest reason is right in front of your eye…. Happy Fools’ Day my love.
  • I have never seen anything so delightful, so serene, so natural….. I am glad to have such a wonderful blessing…. I am so happy god made me like that….. Oh I hope you were not thinking that I was talking about you….. Lol…. Happy April Fools’ Day!

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  • When I say I love you on 1st April to you, don’t think I am fooling you because I love you from the bottom of my heart my love and I will always love you…. Trust me I did not mean to confuse you…. With lots of love, Happy April Fools’ Day and I did not play any prank on you!!
  • Last night God came into my dreams and told me that he has blessed my life with the best face and most wonderful heart to make my life the happiest and he asked me to go and see that in the mirror…. Happy Fools’ Day to my sweetest darling…. Don’t make that bad face… LOL!!!

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